Preferred First Name Statement
What is my preferred first name, and how can I set or change it?
Students and employees may designate a preferred first name*, which certain University systems will then use. For students, these systems include class rosters, the display name in Banner Self-Service, and the display name in a number of learning management systems (e.g., Blackboard, Compass, and Moodle), most online phone directories, on the University i-card. The University will also retain your full legal name, which is used when required by the University, such as in tax documents, contracts, academic transcripts, diplomas, and certain health records, and in Proxy Access. For further details (including information about surname changes), students can refer to the Office of the Registrar. Employees can refer to their local HR department.
To set or change your preferred first name:
- Students: Using campus portal or other resources, enter Banner Student Self-Service and select the Update Personal Information link. In the Personal Details section, click the Edit pencil button.
- Employees: Using My UI Info, under My Profile, Access My Profile. Scroll to the Demographic Information & Veteran Status section and select Edit.
Acceptable uses of preferred first names include:
- A middle name instead of first name
- An abbreviated name (Rob instead of Robert, Manny instead of Emmanuel)
- An Americanized name (Wendy instead of Haiyan)
- A name to which you are in the process of legally changing
- A name that better represents your gender identity
You may not use your preferred first name to misrepresent who you are, nor may you use any profane or offensive language in your preferred first name. Your preferred first name is subject to approval by University administration, and those who intentionally misuse the preferred first name option may be subject to disciplinary action.
A preferred first name may take several days to appear in all systems that display preferred first names.
*Note: UIC and UIUC undergraduates have the option of setting a preferred first name during the application process and the preferred first name will carry forward to University systems.
UIC Office of the Registrar | UIS Office of the Registrar | UIUC Office of the Registrar | HR Office