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Social Media Directory

Many U of I System offices have social media sites, including Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, and others. System office units that maintain social media accounts should follow general social media guidelines and best practices of the universities linked below, and the U of I System Social Media Comment Policy. System office units should also follow system branding guidelines for their accounts.

When creating content for social media, it is important to keep digital accessibility at top-of-mind. A terrific free resource for accessible social media can be very helpful.

To request updates to this directory, or for questions about U of I System social media accounts, please contact

System Offices social media

Department Follow on
Administrative Information Technology Services (AITS) AITS on FacebookAITS on Twitter
Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries in Illinois (CARLI) CARLI on FacebookCARLI on Twitter
Discovery Partners Institute (DPI) DPI on LinkedInDPI on TwitterDPI on Vimeo
Illinois Innovation Network (IIN) IIN on FacebookIIN on LinkedInIIN on Twitter
Institute for Government and Public Affairs (IGPA) IGPA on Twitter
Illinois Workforce and Education Collaborative (IWERC) IWERC on Twitter
Student Money Management Center (SMMC)  SMMC on FacebookSMMC on InstagramSMMC on TwitterSMMC on YouTube
TechReady Illinois TechReady Illinois on FacebookTechReady Illinois on InstagramTechReady Illinois on LinkedIn
University Academic Programs and Services (UAPS) UAPS on FacebookUAPS on Instagram
University of Illinois Online University of Illinois Online on FacebookUniversity of Illinois Online on Instagram
University of Illinois Press University of Illinois Press on FacebookUniversity of Illinois Press on InstagramUniversity of Illinois Press on Twitter
University of Illinois System University of Illinois System on FacebookUniversity of Illinois System on InstagramUniversity of Illinois System on LinkedInUniversity of Illinois System on TwitterUniversity of Illinois System on YouTube
U of I System Governmental Relations U of I System Governmental Relations on Twitter
U of I System Human Resources Services U of I System Human Resources Services on FacebookU of I System Human Resources Services on LinkedIn
U of I System Transfer Guarantee U of I System Transfer Guarantee on FacebookU of I System Transfer Guarantee on Instagram
Vice President for Economic Development and Innovation (VPEDI) VPEDI on FacebookVPEDI on LinkedInVPEDI on TwitterVPEDI on YouTube

U of I System-related organization social media

Department Follow on
Illinois Ventures Illinois Ventures on LinkedInIllinois Ventures on Twitter
University of Illinois Foundation University of Illinois Foundation on FacebookUniversity of Illinois Foundation on LinkedInUniversity of Illinois Foundation on TwitterUniversity of Illinois Foundation on YouTube

UIUC social media

UIUC verified social media accounts directory

UIUC social media policies and guidelines

UIUC social media comment guidelines

UIC social media

UIC social media directory

UIC social media guidelines and best practices

UIS social media

Social media policy for UIS departments