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2014 FOIA requests

FOIA requests filed with the University of Illinois in 2014 are listed below.




12/31/14 Scheinman, Andrew FOIA clarification
12/29/14 Laugesen, Richard Financial reports
12/29/14 Stillwell, Kevin Bike registrations
12/29/14 Stillwell, Kevin Bike accident reports
12/23/14 Fusco, Chris Employee information
12/23/14 Wagner, Kristine Bid information
12/22/14 Berhane, Helome Fraternity and sorority information
12/22/14 Abudayyeh, Jordan Partnership information
12/22/14 Karson, Dakota Student statistics
12/22/14 Washington, Irving Email records
12/22/14 Anderson, Chad Payroll information
12/22/14 Heinold, Thad Bid information
12/19/14 Burt, Aaron Committee/Administration information
12/19/14 Hopkins, Jared Athlete information
12/19/14 Jones, Marissa Water well information
12/18/14 Dey, Jim Email records
12/18/14 Mercer, David Email records
12/18/14 Washington, Irving FOIA procedures
12/18/14 Lieberman, Joyce Employee information
12/17/14 Monson, Mike Employee information
12/16/14 Heinold, Thad Bid information
12/15/14 Shelton, Mohammad Contract information
12/15/14 Brown, Tamara Employee information
12/15/14 Corbin, Dennis Budget information
12/15/14 Peek, Matthew Employee information
12/15/14 Griffin, Solomon Undergraduate information
12/15/14 Dominguez, Patricia Employee information
12/11/14 Cohen, Kevin Athletic contracts
12/10/14 Shelton, Mohammad Contracts
12/08/14 Gonigam, Richard Applicant waivers
12/08/14 Durnell, Amanda Bid information
12/05/14 Boris, Dan Employee information
12/04/14 Scheinman, Andrew Email records
12/04/14 Scheinman, Andrew FOIA clarification
12/04/14 Pfeifer, Kelly Employee Information
12/04/14 Sargeant, Keith Athletic expense reports
12/04/14 Berendsen, Beth Program information
12/03/14 Scheinman, Andrew Email records
12/03/14 Carmody, Kevin Email records
12/03/14 Thompson, Carol Research Information
12/03/14 Townsend, Terry Diversity Information
12/02/14 Chase, Brett Settlement Agreement
12/02/14 Mahmood, Anwar Student information
12/01/14 Gordon, Shawn License Agreements
12/01/14 Keilman, John Athlete Waivers
12/01/14 New, Jake Athletics questionnaire
11/26/14 Spycia, Laura Athletic contracts
11/26/14 Tate, Phyllis Job announcement
11/14/14 Carmody, Kevin Email correspondence
11/11/14 Moskop, Walter Payroll information
11/06/14 Cohen, Kevin Salary information
11/05/14 Hettinger, Johnathan Arrest reports
11/05/14 Green, Alex Athletic contracts
11/04/14 Feller, Jenna Employment contracts
11/04/14 Loftis, Julie Health insurance information
11/03/14 Rosenstein, Jay Athletic records
11/03/14 Baumbach, Jim Athletic contracts
11/03/14 Rosenstein, Mark Electronic records
10/31/14 Cohen, Kevin Salary information
10/30/14 Whitaker, Marc Bid records
10/30/14 Baumbach, Jim Athletic contracts
10/30/14 Minotti, Anthony M. Stale-dated Checks
10/29/14 Malany, Duane Financial reports
10/29/14 Williams, Marla Procurement documents
10/29/14 Massey, Benjamin L. Water Well Information
10/28/14 Murphy, Michael Certification information
10/28/14 Stanchak, Brian D. Employment contracts
10/28/14 Stanchak, Brian D. Athletic contracts
10/27/14 Stroh, Caitlyn Athletic contracts
10/24/14 Fyda, Jacob Financial reports
10/23/14 Cohen, Kevin Salary information
10/23/14 Patterson, Wesley Procedures
10/23/14 Rohr, Lauren Employee contracts
10/23/14 Kumar, Rakesh Candidate Information
10/22/14 Hammond, Sean Athletic contracts
10/22/14 Hettinger, Johnathan Compensation information
10/21/14 Currier, Morgan Email records
10/20/14 Schuring, Roald Contracts
10/20/14 des Garennes, Christine Grey Book
10/20/14 Prokop, Hannah Grey Book
10/16/14 Tal, Guy Ticket Information
10/15/14 Wooten, Sherry Payroll records
10/14/14 Prochaska, David Email records
10/14/14 Abunimah, Ali Employee information
10/14/14 Osterman, Zachary Athletic contracts
10/13/14 des Garennes, Christine Report information
10/10/14 Stefan, Craig Bid information
10/10/14 Will, Greg Vendor information
10/10/14 Stillman, Courtney New employee information
10/10/14 Scheinman, Andrew Speech documents
10/08/14 Dolinar, Brian Email records
10/08/14 Washington, Melissa Bid information
10/07/14 Cohen, Jodi Bid information
10/06/14 Moxley, Tonia Email records
10/03/14 Lambi, Kristopher Bid information
10/02/14 Hoffman, Kevin Athletic contracts
10/02/14 Rosenstein, Mark Expense records
10/01/14 Beckham, Jeremy Research information
09/30/14 Stefan, Craig Bid Information
09/29/14 Eichelberger, Curtis Athletic expenses
09/29/14 Hilliard, Debra Bid information
09/26/14 Sadler, Claude Payroll documents
09/26/14 Rosenthal, Justin Governing documents
09/25/14 Seidel, Andrew Athletic records
09/25/14 Duco, Matthew Contracts
09/25/14 Delaney, Kelly Bid information
09/23/14 Ginest, Katie Mining information
09/22/14 Rohr, Lauren Draft correspondence
09/22/14 Murray, Eli FOIA requests and responses
09/22/14 Skelding, Conor Presidential library bid
09/19/14 Prochaska, David Email records
09/19/14 des Garennes, Christine Committee reports
09/18/14 Schmidt, Peter Email records
09/18/14 Rosenthal, Justin University contracts
09/18/14 Stratford, Michael Contracts
09/18/14 Abunimah, Ali Email attachments
09/18/14 Andrzejewski, Adam Vendor information
09/17/14 O'Halloran, James E. Bond information
09/16/14 Smyser, Katy Athletic contracts
09/16/14 Newman, Jonah Contracts
09/15/14 Kafkakis, Tony Bid information
09/12/14 Kacich, Tom Athletic contracts
09/12/14 Sisson, Patrick Safety reports
09/11/14 Lee, Sherry Bid information
09/10/14 Gibson, Karen Bid information
09/09/14 Cohen, Jodi Email records
09/09/14 Davis-Pitts, Tracy Bid information
09/09/14 Gruca, Paul Water Well Information
09/09/14 Raak, Adam Contracts
09/08/14 Scheinman, Andrew Email records
09/04/14 Miller, Jessica Directory information
09/03/14 Schwartz, Adam Athletic information
09/02/14 Cohen, Kevin Athletic contracts
09/02/14 Swink, Tonya Candidate information
08/29/14 Johnston, Jeff Bid information
08/28/14 Laugesen, Richard Employee information
08/28/14 Laugesen, Richard Employee information
08/28/14 Bergstrom, Ted Contracts
08/28/14 Hassan, Randy Bid information
08/26/14 Schoffstall, Joe Human resource information
08/26/14 Patterson, Wesley Mckinley hospital practices
08/26/14 Nestler, Renee Employment information
08/26/14 Boris, Dan Job descriptions
08/25/14 Kish, Matthew Athletic contracts
08/25/14 Mercer, David Email records
08/25/14 Sosnay, Daniel Candidate information
08/22/14 Lieberman, Joyce Employee information
08/22/14 Jaschik, Scott Email records
08/20/14 Ginest, Katie Well water documents
08/19/14 Garbrecht, Nancy Contracts
08/19/14 Amanieh, Liz Travel expense reports
08/19/14 Brands, Riley Employee information
08/18/14 Millerbernd, Anne Grey Book
08/18/14 Dey, Jim Score information
08/18/14 Gagliano, Grace Bid information
08/15/14 Heller, Kent Email records
08/15/14 Cohen, Kevin Athletic contracts
08/15/14 Scheinman, Andrew Email records
08/15/14 Scheinman, Andrew Email records
08/15/14 Cohen, Kevin Athletic contracts
08/13/14 des Garenne, Christine Employee Information
08/12/14 Smith, Steve Athletic information
08/12/14 Rosenstein, Jay Grey Book
08/12/14 Garbrecht, Nancy Bid information
08/11/14 Boris, Dan Budget documents
08/08/14 Mlynarek, Ursula Employment
08/07/14 Bialik, Loren J. Stale-dated checks
08/07/14 Mak, Jenny Stale-dated checks
08/07/14 Carlucci, Michael Stale-dated checks
08/07/14 Minotti, Anthony M. Stale-dated checks
08/05/14 Shelden, Mark Employee information
08/05/14 Cami, Brian A. Athletic contracts
08/04/14 Shah, Kanika G. Hospital documents
08/04/14 Brown-Nagin, Tomiko Enrollment information
08/01/14 Braverman, Andrew Stale-dated checks
07/31/14 Sander, Richard ApplicantiInformation
07/31/14 Berkowitz, Steve Athletic contracts
07/31/14 Hill, Toni Payments
07/30/14 Chenoweth, Mike Bid information
07/28/14 Frisch, Deborah Employee information
07/28/14 Chase, Brett Expense records
07/28/14 Scheinman, Andrew Meeting minutes
07/28/14 Scheinman, Andrew Meeting records
07/25/14 Kocher, Bill Bid information
07/25/14 Bergstrom, Ted Contracts
07/25/14 Boris, Dan Employee information
07/25/14 Kocher, Bill Bid Information
07/24/14 Alesia, Mark Athletic records
07/24/14 Greenberg, Martin Athletic contracts
07/23/14 Scheinman, Andrew Email attachments
07/22/14 Cohen, Yoni Athletic contracts
07/22/14 Ahmed, Shahir Bid information
07/22/14 Ahmed, Shahir Bid information
07/22/14 Rappa, Dave Contracts
07/21/14 Scheinman, Andrew FOIA procedures
07/18/14 Whipker, Don Bid information
07/17/14 Tepedino, Christopher Athletic expense reports
07/17/14 Greenberg, Martin J. Employee contracts
07/17/14 Laugesen, Richard S. Contracts and correspondence
07/16/14 Larkin, Julia Payment records
07/16/14 Burbules, Nicholas Harassment claims
07/16/14 Townsend, Terry Reporting records
07/16/14 Carter, Daniel Police statistics
07/15/14 King, Karisa Employee information
07/15/14 Smith, Glen L., Jr. Bid information
07/15/14 Hall, Mike Bid information
07/11/14 Walsh, Kathleen Contracts/Regulations
07/11/14 Abbott, B.B Documents/Contracts
07/11/14 Scheinman, Andrew FOIA procedures
07/10/14 Hettinger, Johnathan Athletic training documents
07/10/14 Amanieh, Liz Susceptibility medical lists
07/10/14 Scheinman, Andrew UI/Carle documents
07/09/14 Rosenstein, Mark Parking citations
07/09/14 Scheinman, Andrew FOIA procedures
07/09/14 Hopkins, Jared Email records
07/09/14 Hopkins, Jared Email records
07/08/14 Grandt, Suzanne Animal research
07/08/14 Franciose, Justin Pricing information
07/03/14 Scheinman, Andrew Email records
07/03/14 Scheinman, Andrew Production documents
07/03/14 Scheinman, Andrew Email records
07/03/14 Scheinman, Andrew Email records
07/03/14 Scheinman, Andrew Email attachments
07/03/14 Scheinman, Andrew Email records
07/01/14 Gold, Matthew Grade distributions
07/01/14 Dolan, Mara Bid information
06/30/14 Fusco, Chris Email records
06/30/14 Kennedy, Brendan Bid information
06/30/14 Scheinman, Andrew FOIA process
06/27/14 Tallon, Daniel Employee information
06/27/14 Evey, Richard B. Water Wells
06/27/14 Evey, Richard B. Water Wells
06/27/14 Harris, Andrew Athletic coaches
06/26/14 Kligman, Marc J. Athletic contracts
06/26/14 Smith, Steve Athletic contracts
06/26/14 Evey, Richard Water Wells
06/26/14 Harrelson, Becky Bid information
06/25/14 Heinz, Kurt Contracts
06/24/14 Knox, Deb Evaluations
06/23/14 Barnum, Darold T. Financial records
06/23/14 Scheinman, Andrew Email records
06/20/14 Laugesen, Richard Reports
06/20/14 Scheinman, Andrew Email records
06/19/14 Feick, Tina Bid information
06/19/14 Boris, Dan Bid information
06/18/14 Holloway, Kari Bid information
06/18/14 McMahel, Kelsie Bid information
06/17/14 Dey, Jim Commencement contracts
06/17/14 Skelding, Conor Email records
06/17/14 Windes, Liesha Proposal information
06/16/14 Burbules, Nicholas C. Dues information
06/16/14 Donoho, Shellie Bid information
06/13/14 Will, Greg Child welfare information
06/13/14 Scheinman, Andrew Meeting act records
06/12/14 Seipel, Mark Travel Records
06/12/14 Seipel, Mark Class credit information
06/11/14 Balthazor, Joey Athletic contracts
06/11/14 Boris, Dan Bid information
06/09/14 Will, Greg Child welfare information
06/06/14 Rexrode, Joe Athletics salaries
06/06/14 Scheinman, Andrew Email records
06/06/14 Heinold, Thad Bid information
06/06/14 Heinold, Thad Bid information
06/04/14 Evey, Rick Water Wells
06/04/14 Hall, Mike Bid information
06/04/14 Scheinman, Andrew FOIA information
06/03/14 Baumbach, Jim Athletic contracts
06/03/14 Scheinman, Andrew Email records
06/03/14 Scheinman, Andrew FOIA exemptions
06/03/14 Baumbach, Jim Athletic contracts
06/03/14 Teaman, Matt Bid information
06/02/14 Spraul, Elke Conflict of interest forms
06/02/14 Jolley, Tiffany Complaint records
06/02/14 Lappe, John Program information
06/02/14 Delanois, Ken Pricing information
05/30/14 Jones, Greg Vendor information
05/30/14 Wendland, Sandra Bid information
05/29/14 Laugesen, Richard Employee information
05/29/14 Hall, Mike Veterinary services
05/27/14 Hopkins, Jared S. Athletic records
05/27/14 Cohen, Kevin Contract information
05/27/14 Cohen, Kevin Contract information
05/23/14 Scheinman, Andrew Email records
05/22/14 Hart, Joseph W. Vendors
05/21/14 Dominguez, Patricia Email records
05/21/14 Davis, Tyler Email records
05/21/14 Kobylski, Tyler Copy of packet
05/21/14 Kafkakis, Tony Contract information
05/20/14 Sass, Ellen Purchase information
05/20/14 Andrzjeweski, Adam Bid information
05/20/14 Pranger, Gary Bid information
05/20/14 Scheinman, Andrew Email records
05/20/14 Scheinman, Andrew Email records
05/19/14 Nestler, Renee Job description
05/16/14 Martinez, Jennifer Bid information
05/15/14 Anne, Irving Research documents
05/15/14 Cohen, Ben Athletic information
05/14/14 Johnston, Jeff Bid information
05/14/14 Johnston, Jeff Financial information
05/14/14 Manderfield, Chris Financial information
05/14/14 Bruntz, Delia Audit reports
05/14/14 Horner, Christopher C. Email records
05/13/14 Andrzejewski, Adam Athletic contract
05/12/14 Thomas, David Contact information
05/12/14 Thomas, David Contact information
05/12/14 Harfst, Delia Pearl Employee information
05/12/14 Lesk, Sari Financial information
05/12/14 Krzeczkowski, Laura Properties information
05/09/14 Townsend, Terry Safety evaluations
05/09/14 Haisley, Bill Email records
05/08/14 Cohen, Brian Athletic financial report
05/08/14 Mercer, David Email records
05/08/14 Chase, Brett Records/Agreements
05/08/14 Jones, Bill Bid information
05/07/14 Barnum, Darold T. Contract information
05/07/14 Laugesen, Richard S. Benchmarking information
05/07/14 Scheinman, Andrew FOIA office procedures
05/07/14 Freymark, Scott Bid information
05/06/14 Des Garennes, Christine Email records
05/05/14 Stefan, Craig Bid information
05/02/14 Comforte, Kristina Athletic contract
05/02/14 Gonzalez, Carmela Illinois Prevailing Wage Act
05/02/14 Thomas, David FOIA Requests/Responses
05/02/14 McCraney, Patrick Confidentiality agreements
05/01/14 Lash, Nathaniel Grades
05/01/14 Green, Linda Correspondence, Emails, Reports
05/01/14 Lesk, Sari Use of force reports
05/01/14 Rose, Chapin Hiring guidelines
05/01/14 Schoenrade, Sandra Bid tabulations
05/01/14 Orth, Jamie Bid tabulations
05/01/14 Scheinman, Andrew Email records
04/30/14 Gruca, Paul Illinois State Water Survey
04/29/14 Temple, Jesse Athletic contracts
04/29/14 Hettinger, Johnathan Contracts
04/29/14 London, Jeffrey Stale-dated checks
04/29/14 Minotti, Anthony M. Stale-dated checks
04/29/14 Goodyear, Timothy C. Stale-dated checks
04/29/14 Tierney, Jack Bid information
04/28/14 Barnum, Darold Contracts
04/25/14 Hammond, Sean Athletics information
04/24/14 Campbell, Melanie Safety reports
04/24/14 Wallk, Anthony Contract information
04/24/14 Boris, Dan University hospitals
04/22/14 Holliday, Darryl Police surveys
04/22/14 Alao, Medina Contract
04/21/14 Murray, Eli Email records
04/21/14 Haisley, Bill Email records
04/18/14 Slovin, Matthew Email records
04/17/14 Jarmon, Jarod Budget information
04/17/14 Brown, Kirk N. Management information
04/17/14 Dolinar, Brian Taser reports
04/17/14 Afzal, Joi K. Janitorial services information
04/16/14 Fenno, Nathan Email records
04/15/14 Patel, Darshan Email records
04/14/14 Hart, Joseph W. Health agencies
04/14/14 Franciose, Justin Costs information
04/11/14 Des Garennes, Christine Email records
04/10/14 Sander, Richard Law school information
04/10/14 Franciose, Justin Costs information
04/08/14 Tallon, Daniel Hospital employees
04/08/14 Davis, Tyler Fee information
04/07/14 Clegg, Roger Publication records
04/07/14 Cohen, Yoni Athletic contract
04/07/14 Chang, Wilbur Budget information
04/07/14 Loftis, Julie Salary information
04/04/14 Pranger, Gary Bid information
04/04/14 Nevidomski, Lauren Athletics information
04/03/14 Rosenstein, Jay Revenue information
04/03/14 Lieberman, Joyce Employee information
04/03/14 Lieberman, Joyce Employee Information
04/03/14 Laugesen, Richard Faculty information
04/03/14 Rhodes, Ralph, Skip Contract information
04/03/14 Smallhorn, Jacob Contract information
04/02/14 Cohen, Yoni Athletics records
04/02/14 Catezone, Anthony Budget information
04/02/14 Lappe, John Employee information
03/28/14 Campbell, Melanie Contract information
03/28/14 Dominguez, Patricia Procurement documents
03/28/14 Chang, Wilbur Employee information
03/28/14 Evey, Rick Well information
03/28/14 Lewis, Christopher Well information
03/28/14 Anderson, Brian Vendor information
03/26/14 Wolin, Justin Athletics information
03/26/14 Baird, Nathan Athletic contract
03/25/14 Lehner, Kristen Legal records
03/25/14 Kerford, Chris Athletics information
03/25/14 Boris, Dan Employee information
03/24/14 Green, Linda Salary information
03/24/14 Byler, Kayla Athletics information
03/24/14 Hopkins, Jared Athletics information
03/24/14 Rosenstein, Jay Budget information
03/24/14 Harden Group, The Vendor information
03/21/14 Scheinman, Andrew Economic Development Advisory Group
03/20/14 Wolters, John A. Renovation projects
03/19/14 Scheinman, Andrew Email records
03/18/14 Lesk, Sari UI Budget
03/17/14 Rasmussen, Kristina Illinois budget
03/17/14 Mitek, Ashley Research information
03/17/14 Lehner, Kristen UIC Records
03/14/14 Goba, Steve Bond records
03/14/14 Goba, Steve Bond records
03/13/14 Beverly, Phillip Student information
03/13/14 Rosenstein, Mark Event information
03/13/14 Sweetman, Alex Bid records
03/12/14 Kibbey, J.C. Bid records
03/12/14 King, Karisa Employee records
03/11/14 Laugesen, Richard Project information
03/11/14 Laugesen, Richard Employee information
03/11/14 Laugesen, Richard Employee information
03/11/14 Cantor, Sam Water supply well information
03/07/14 McDermott, Casey Student reports
03/07/14 MacInnis, Shawn Bid records
03/07/14 Reyes, Effie Bid records
03/07/14 Cohen, Kevin Athletic information
03/07/14 Cohen, Kevin Athletic information
03/07/14 Cohen, Kevin Employment contract
03/06/14 Harfst, Roger Communication records
03/06/14 Wendland, Sandy Bid records
03/06/14 Heinz, Debra Bid records
03/05/14 Sachdev, Ameet Bid records
03/05/14 Ruthhart, Bill Bid records
03/05/14 Hoss, Adam Bid records
03/04/14 Katz, Jesse Records
03/04/14 Folts, Kyle Athletic contract
03/04/14 Comforte, Kristina Athletic contract
03/04/14 Suokko, Ron Financial information
03/03/14 Nadler, Brittney Crime statistics
03/03/14 Jarvis, John Student information
03/03/14 King, Karisa None-university activity reports
03/03/14 Buralli, Brian Bid records
03/03/14 Cohen, Jodi Email records
02/28/14 Barnum, Darold Project reports
02/26/14 Boehler, Brian Student test scores
02/26/14 Thomas, David Employee information
02/24/14 Data Collection Department Inventory reports
02/20/14 King, Karisa Employee information
02/20/14 Imhoff, Kimberly Water well records
02/19/14 Anderson, Derrick Meeting records
02/19/14 Dolinar, Brian Meeting records
02/19/14 Loeb, Rachel Bid records
02/18/14 McDermott, Casey Disciplinary case information
02/18/14 Baehr, Lynn Bid records
02/14/14 Adams, Jackson Financial aid information
02/13/14 King, Karisa Employee information
02/11/14 Binkley, Collin Employment contract
02/11/14 Bionaz, Robert Research records
02/10/14 Axelrod, Eliott Budget documents
02/07/14 Lavigne, Paula Athletic report
02/07/14 Laugesen, Richard Financial records
02/07/14 Cohen, Kevin Athletic records
02/06/14 Grayson, Autumn Athletic information
02/04/14 Des Garennes, Christine Athletic reports
02/04/14 Barnum, Darold Financial reports
02/04/14 Barnum, Darold Financial information
02/03/14 Laugesen, Richard Salary information
01/31/14 Downs, Cleo Bid records
01/31/14 Minotti, Anthony Stale-dated checks
01/31/14 London, Jeffrey Stale-dated checks
01/31/14 Dorfman, Cory Employment contracts
01/31/14 Jones, Robert Contract
01/30/14 Duncan, Lauren Athletic records
01/30/14 Robert, Michael Student information
01/29/14 Kimmle, David Water well records
01/29/14 Fritz, Michael Bid information
01/29/14 Wasser, Stanley Bid records
01/28/14 Skelding, Conor Communication records
01/28/14 Cruikshank, Jack Salary information
01/28/14 Bionaz, Robert Research records
01/28/14 Heath, David Employee information
01/27/14 Toeppen, Dennis Public safety information
01/23/14 Shaghoulian, Rodney Grade information
01/22/14 Newman, Jonah Financial reports
01/21/14 Cotter, Shawn Bid records
01/21/14 Cohen, Yoni Athletic contracts
01/21/14 Schwab, Tim Conflict of interest forms
01/21/14 Drabek, Barbara Employee information
01/21/14 Calcaterra, Steve Employee information
01/21/14 Fritz, Michael Bid records
01/10/14 Kirkman, Sharon Bid records
01/10/14 Staeger, Steve Expense reports
01/09/14 Daniels, James Police policies
01/09/14 O'Dea, Janelle UIPD rules and regulations
01/09/14 Kottman, Robin Bid records
01/07/14 Saites, Penny Bid records
01/07/14 Gillum, Jack Email information
01/06/14 Krenicky, Michael Student information
01/06/14 Dominguez, Patricia Bid records
01/03/14 Cohen, Kevin Athletic contracts